Join the Danelle Dodge campaign at 7:30am Friday, May 27 in Cape Canaveral, FL to board a bus bound for Washington, D.C., for a “We Do Not Consent Rally.” Let the world know we will not be pulled back into the Dark Ages, and that all Americans have the right over their own bodies.
Over the last few years we have heard we could be facing a Constitutional crisis, and now it’s here, in the form of a draft decision by the Supreme Court to strike down Roe v. Wade. This decision will throw out a 50-year precedent, overturning “a Woman’s Right to Privacy over her own body, and to make her own medical decisions.”
The time for waiting to see what happens is over. Lawsuits and protests after the fact are not as effective as proactive responses such as expanding the court, standing in protest, and boycotting states and businesses that do not respect women’s rights.
The forces behind this push to strip away the rights of women in America will not stop here. If this decision stands, then every past Supreme Court decision can be called into question. For example “access to contraceptives like birth control and condoms,” “marriage equality including gay and interracial marriage,” and “public education for all.” All of these decisions are crucial to our freedom, yet every day we are seeing more and more restrictive legislation being voted on in state houses around the country that reads like a script from “The Handmaid’s Tale.”
The majority of Americans believes that a woman has a right to autonomy over her own body. This is proven in the polls and has been affirmed by the courts over and over. Extremist fascist right-wing conservatives have been attacking our country for long enough.
This Memorial Day, stand against this gross attack on our freedoms. For more information visit
Can’t go? Be a Sponsor of the bus and get your name on a Placard that will go with us to WA DC!